December 2024
The lab celebrated the holidays by visiting the Anderson Collective together, and lab members received a book in our annual holiday book exchange.
November 2024
The lab enjoyed s'mores and a stroll around Lake Lag!
October 2024
Junyi, our new postdoc, gave a talk ("Playful Problems") at the Psychology Colloquium lightning talks!
Our SymSys interns presented their work from the summer at the SymSys poster symposium!
September 2024
The SLL welcomed our new postdoc, Antonia, and celebrated the beginning of the Fall quarter by watching Inside Out 2 together!
August 2024
In the final weeks of summer all of our summer interns presented their summer research in lab meeting! Additionally Psych Summer interns wrapped up their summer by presenting posters of their work. The lab celebrated the end of the summer with delicious birria and brownies homemade by Aaron!
The SLL and the Computational Tools Lab (PI: Dr. Judy Fan) welcomed our new postdoc Junyi with a picnic at the Oval!
July 2024
A busy month for the Social Learning Lab! Summer interns and lab members have been hard at work. Interns have been participating in lab meetings, workshops, and collecting data! We've also had fun socials including hot-sauce taste tests and lego succulent building. We are excited to welcome two new lab members: Misha, our new predoctoral researcher and Junyi, our new postdoc! Welcome -- we're so excited for you to join us!
The SLL attended CogSci 2024 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Peter and Kat presented posters of their work and Aaron gave a talk. It was a great time for many old and new lab members to gather!
May 2024
An exciting week for the SLL! Adani presented his First Year Project, “Action-Induced Prediction Error and Suprise in Young Children”. Catherine presented her masters thesis poster and Megan presented her honors thesis poster!
The SLL celebrated the end of spring by going for a hike near Santa Cruz and enjoying dinner and a sunset!
Lab members presented work at the Bay Area Developmental Symposium and Peter gave his 3rd year talk!
Aaron gave a talk ("Young children’s understanding of communicative influence and the flow of information") at the Psychology Colloquium lightning talks!

March 2024
The SLL attended the Cognitive Development Society Conference in Pasadena, CA! Several lab members presented posters over the 2-day conference. Aaron co-organized a symposium ("Reasoning about social distance and affiliation across human development") and gave talk on his work. We were excited to reunite with collaborators and friends!
December 2023
The SLL gathered to celebrate the holidays and end-of-quarter! Hyo and Aaron prepared dishes for lab members to create bibimbap.

October 2023
The SLL celebrated the beginning of fall by decorating pumpkins and enjoying fall treats!
Our SymSys summer interns presented their work at the SymSym Fall poster session!
Aaron gave a talk ("Young children’s understanding of communicative influence and the flow of information") at the Psychology Colloquium lightning talks!

August 2023
The SLL interns have been hard at work this summer recruiting and running participants, coding data, leading workshops, presenting their work, and so much more! We are so proud of all of their amazing work!
Our PsychSummer interns presented their work at the end of summer poster symposium!
July 2023
The SLL attended CogSci 2023 in Sydney, Australia! Both Aaron and Peter received travel awards from CogSci this year. Peter and Aaron both gave talks and presented posters of their work. Photos courtesy of Tobias Gerstenberg and Peter Zhu.
The SLL and our amazing summer interns spent a sunny afternoon at the Foothills Nature Preserve!
June 2023
The SLL hiked Tomales Point on the Point Reyes seashore with beautiful views of Tomales Bay, the superbloom, and elk! We said goodbye to our research coordinator, Joseph, who is headed to Johns Hopkins University to begin his Ph.D. program in Psychology, and welcomed Grace, our new research coordinator. Congratulations and welcome!
May 2023
The SLL gathered on a sunny day for a Spikeball social and celebrated Joseph's birthday!
March 2023
The SLL attended the Society for Research in Child Development conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Peter gave a talk on "Investigating children's curiosity about the self," and Hyo gave a great discussant talk!

December 2022
The lab hosted a fun secret holiday book swap where SLL members got to chose a book for another person in the lab!
October 2022
Several current and past SLL members travelled to Göttingen, Germany to attend and present at a workshop on Social Curiosity! While in Göttingen, we also celebrated Mika and Sophie's successful PhD defenses and graduations. Inspired by a University of Göttingen tradition, the lab decorated a wagon for Mika and Sophie, which Hyo pulled to the Gänseliesel ("Goose Girl") fountain. Once there, they presented the Gänseliesel with flowers!
June 2022
The lab had an in-person gathering at Hyo's to say goodbye to Yang and Teresa! Yang, the lab's first post-doc, is heading to Toronto to be an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Teresa, our lab manager, is journeying to the East Coast to begin her Ph.D. program in Human Development at the University of Maryland, College Park. Aaron prepared a beautiful meal for their farewell!
We welcomed our summer interns at a lab gathering at Foothills Nature Preserve! We are so excited for the summer quarter.
The lab had an in-person gathering one sunny afternoon at Rossotti's Alpine Inn. We also welcomed our wonderful new lab manager Aneesa! It was so much fun!

May 2022
Griffin, one of the lab's amazing graduate students, just defended her PhD! Congratulations Griffin for all your hard work and inspiring research!

April 2022
Many current and past Social Learning Lab members attended CDS 2022! It was great to see everyone there! Congratulations to Aaron for a great talk and poster and to Hyo for winning the Steve Reznick Early Career Award (sorry wrong slide in the photo)!
Our lab was featured on the Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo Newsletter! You can read about our partnership with the Museum here! We are so grateful for the opportunity to work together!
October 2021
Lab visit to the newly remodeled Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo! So exciting to see the beautiful new space and to meet some very cute animals. Thank you for making our research possible!

Cleanup and organization time at SLL! We organized our entire stimuli creation room and found lots of fun stimuli from the olden days! Looking forward to all the new studies ahead! Thank you to everyone who helped (including those not pictured here!)

June 2021
SLL had an in-person gathering at Hyo's! We said good-bye to lab members who are embarking on exciting new journies as PhD students (congratulations Xi Jia, Brandon, and Jessa!) and Mika who recently defended her PhD and will be starting a post-doc at Yale. We also welcomed Peter who will be joining us soon as a PhD student, Kat who will be joining as a post-doc, and Joseph who will start a new position as our online research coordinator. Congratulations and welcome!

Mika, one of the inaugural members of the SLL, just defended her PhD! She gave a fabulous talk that summarizes her PhD work - so pround of you, Mika!

April 2021
Our lab members presented at SRCD 2021! Check out our videos!
January 2021
The lab was recently featured in a Stanford News article highlighting our response to the COVID-19 pandemic with the creation of our new online testing system!
The article featured images of our very own lab members, Jessa and Teresa, at work!

October 2020
We had joint Zoom lab meeting with the Yale CompDev Lab!

July 2020
The lab attended Cognitive Science Society conference - virtually! So many of our lab members--Natalia, Brandon, Peter, Jessa, and Auguste--were featured in this CogSci Recap! Others appear as cameos in the beach party photo.
June 2020
On June 5, SLL hosted a webinar to share information about online testing, focusing on using Zoom for moderated sessions. Click HERE for materials and recordings!
May 2020
May was full of big events -- Sophie and Natalia, the "inaugural" members of SLL, defended their PhDs just a few days apart! Even though we could not celebrate in person, their thesis defenses over Zoom were packed with people from all over the world. We also had amazing celebrations afterwards!
Sophie defended on May 21.

Natalia defended on May 26.

April 2020
In-person testing has been shut down since March and we have all been working from home under the shelter-in-place order. These are tough times, but we've all worked hard to move our research online and created materials to share with other researchers! Check out our GitHub repository.
January 2020
Lab members' surprise gift for Hyo: A beautiful woven quilt that shows our projects and stimuli for the past 5 years.

Hyo, Sophie, and Mika went to BCCCD 2020!
Mika's symposium on Theory of Mind was the first session of the main conference.
Here's Hyo introducing the symposium, and Sophie giving the final talk of the conference.

And we had fun at the gala dinner too!

Sophie gave a talk at BCCCD in Budapeste!

December 2019
SLL Holiday brunch at Hyo's house!

November 2019
SLL pizza party at Hyo's house! Natalia's dough was amazing!
We were too busy baking and eating to take photos, but here's some of us having fun!

October 2019
SLL went to CDS2019 in Louisville! Here's Yang presenting her work on emotion.

Sophie, Hyo, Mika, and Natalia had a wonderful time at CDS, too!

September 2019
Our RA Colin Norick presented research (which he undertook with Mika Asaba) at the Symbolic Systems Poster Fair! We’re very proud of you, Colin!

Yesterday was Yang’s birthday. We threw her a surprise party with cupcakes from Sprinkles Bakery. Yum!

August 2019
End-of-summer lab dinner at Terun to congratulate Sophie's move to Cambridge, MA!

SLL's summer ended with a farewell pizza party for our summer interns and their end-of-summer presentations.
Here's PsychSummer intern Natalie Hampton (bottom left) and CSLI summer intern Isabel Won (bottom right) presenting their work with Natalia, and our RISE intern Seran Kwon (top left) presenting her work with Mika and Colin Norick. Thank you, everyone, for all of your hard work!

We're all thrilled about our new Stanford Developmental Lab space.
Here's some snapshots of the space and Sophie & Mika having fun on moving day! Cheers!

July 2019
SLL and colleagues had a wonderful time at the CogSci conference in Montreal! Mika, Yang, Griffin, Julia Leonard, and Ilker Yildirim presented their work!

May 2019
SLL goes on a lab hike to Arroyo Seco Campground!

April 2019
Happy birthday Grace! And big thanks to our guest speaker Oren Kolodny for two (!) fun lab meetings!

Febuary 2019
This year, we were too busy to even take photos during our CogSci work parties ... until Yang and Sophie walked outside of Jordan very late at night. Congrats everyone for successfully submitting your papers!

Happy birthday Sophie!

December 2018
SLL Holday Dinner -- good-bye 2018, and welcome 2019!

August 2018
The SLL says goodbye to our amazing summer interns!

July 2018
Hyo received the James S. McDonnell Scholar Award for Understanding Human Cognition. Congratulations!
The SLL goes to the Cognitive Science Society in Madison, WI. Mika gives 2 talks and Natalia, Sophie and Grace give posters.

June 2018
Check out Natalia's amazing sketches of talks from the Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences!

The SLL goes on a retreat to Pt. Reyes. We found very good cheese (from Cowgirl Creamery), many wildflowers and a lot of elk!

May 2018
We say goodbye to visiting graduate student Xiaoqian Li and research assistants Angelina Garron and Sajjad Torabian. Good luck on your next steps!

April 2018
The SLL and affiliates have 6 CogSci papers accepted!
February 2018
CogSci Work Party!
January 2018
The SLL celebrates Xiaoqian's birthday!

The SLL celebrates Mika's birthday!
October 2017
The SLL goes to the Cognitive Development Society Conference (Portland, OR).

The SLL celebrates Hyo's birthday!

August 2017
The SLL says good-bye and thank you to our wonderful summer RAs.

July 2017
Sophie is featured on Michael Frank's Twitter page! Check out his awesome sketch of Sophie below:
Sophie Bridgers: 2-4 year-olds aren't just generally prosocial, they provide help that's specific to what went wrong #CogSci2017
— Michael C. Frank (@mcxfrank) July 28, 2017
June 2017
Griffin Dietz has won the David M. Kennedy Prize for best Honors Thesis for her work entitled "Children's Use of Decomposition in Problem Solving as an Early Introduction to Computer Science"! Congratulations, Griffin!
Natalia and Sajjad scan their first participant for their new project.
May 2017
Our new paper (Gweon & Asaba, 2017) was featured in Stanford Report! Click here to read the news!
5/26: Happy Birthday, Natalia!

April 2017
4/13: The lab submitted four CogSci papers, and all were accepted as talks; congrats, everyone!
4/6-4/8: The lab travels to Austin to share their work at SRCD. Natalia presents her project.
March 2017
3/15: The SLL gathers for pizza and frisbee at the Oval.

3/17: Mika received NSF Graduate Fellowship! Congratulations!
February 2017
2/1: Another CogSci work party!
January 2017
1/12: Happy Birthday, Mika (Jan 9)!
November 2016
Natalia presents her first fMRI poster at SFN!
September 2016
The lab wasn't quite ready to good-bye to Mika, our inaugural lab manager; instead, the lab welcomes her again, this time as a new grad student!
August 2016
The lab goes to CogSci!
June 2016
6/9: End-of-year picnic at the Oval
6/1 - 6/5: The lab attends SPP!
May 2016
5/26: Happy Birthday, Natalia! "Can you choose a friend for me?"
5/18: PSYCH187 field trip to the Bay Area Discovery Museum!
March 2016
2/3: The lab says bye to our awesome research assistant, Sumudu!

February 2016
2/16: Happy Birthday, Sophie (Feb 15)!
2/3: The lab cheers to submitting CogSci papers this year!
December 2015
12/11: The lab celebrates the end of the quarter and says good-bye to 2015 with some pizza and good company!

August 2015
8/20: Summer interns present posters at the Psych Summer poster session.
July 2015
7/11: Death Cab for Cutie!

June 2015
6/3: Undergraduate research assistants share their projects from the quarter!

April 2015
4/2: The lab participates in an epic bowling match in SF with the Zaki & Crum labs! We proudly took the third place... ;-)

4/1: Our graduate students, Natalia and Sophie, received NSF Graduate Fellowships! Congratulations!
March 2015
3/8: SLL goes on the first lab outing to Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo, to see and learn about owls!

3/5: The lab hosts our first (of many to come) work-party night!

February 2015
2/28: The lab celebrates its first night of scanning! Special thanks to Michael and Jesse from the Grill-Spector lab for their company and guidance.

2/5: The lab celebrates the night before CogSci deadline with Indian food and wine, and submits our first two papers. Thanks to our co-authors and friends who hung out with us!
January 2015
The lab welcomes Xuan, a visiting PhD student from Bertram Malle's lab at Brown.
September 2014
The lab has its inaugural lab meeting!
The lab welcomes Sophie, our new graduate student.
August 2014
Hyo is awarded the APA Dissertation Award, Division 7: Developmental Psychology. Congratulations, Hyo!
The lab welcomes Mika, our new lab manager, and Natalia, our new graduate student.
July 2014
The lab is born!